How do you earn credit card points by paying for education, whether that’s paying off your own student loans or contributing to a 529 college savings plan for your kids? Many of you listening are professionals who may have some outstanding student debt, and I know plenty of you have children, so there’s a points opportunity for pretty much everyone on today’s episode.
Today, I’m joined by my friend, points-earning expert Dr. Andrea Mabry. She’s here to show you exactly how to earn points by paying off your student loans or by paying for your kid’s education. This is taking one of your biggest expenses and leveraging it to earn more points, and Andrea’s here to show us how to make this part of a financially responsible points strategy.
Tune in this week to discover how to earn tons of points for expenses you already have: student loans or paying for your child’s education. You can’t use your cards to pay directly towards student loans or a 529 plan, but Andrea is sharing an amazing workaround to earn points from fulfilling these huge expenses.
To be the first to know when my Points Made Easy course reopens for enrollment, join the waitlist here!
Point Me to First Class is the show for professionals and business owners with higher-than-average personal or business expenses, who want to learn to leverage these expenses into credit card points they can spend on travel.
Each week, I share valuable tips, tools, and strategies to help you uplevel your skills earning and redeeming credit card points, so you can expand your travel and expand your experiences.