Points Earning Strategies, Points Redeeming

May 15, 2023

Redeeming $20,000 in Travel with the Points Made Easy Course

Episode Description

My guest this week is a client in my Points Made Easy program who recently sent me a message saying that she had redeemed points worth $20,000 in travel in just one year. I immediately had so many questions and I knew I needed to get her on the podcast so we could have a real conversation about this.

Cherie is a pediatrician and the founder of Doctor Moms Lounge, a membership designed to help women physicians take the busywork out of “momming” so they have time for what matters to them most. On one hand, I was not surprised she managed to redeem $20,000 in points in 12 months. But considering she had no interest in points travel a year ago, this is an extraordinary jump.

Tune in this week to discover how Cherie went from having zero points-earning credit cards to redeeming $20,000 worth of rewards travel in just 12 months! Cherie’s story of understanding how much rewards points are really worth is a game-changer. If you’re thinking that rewards travel isn’t worth the hassle, this episode is for you.

If booking $20,000 worth of travel using points like Cherie has sounds incredible to you, I want to invite you to join Points Made Easy. This is my online course that shows you exactly how to leverage your expenses, not only to earn tons of credit card points, but how to use those points to get the highest value redemptions possible. We only open for enrollment a few times per year, so click here to learn more and get on the waitlist. Enrollment opens this week, Friday, May 19th, 2023, and will only stay open for one week.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode

  • Where Cherie was a year ago, with zero consideration for opening points credit cards.
  • All of the reasons Cherie told herself she wasn’t interested in points travel.
  • Why people don’t realize how much reward points are really worth.
  • What travel looked like for Cherie before she discovered points travel.
  • How Cherie’s points journey really took off and how she started maximizing her redemptions.
  • The amazing trips Cherie has coming up in the next few months as a result of the points she’s redeemed.
  • Where people tend to get stuck in making their reward points work for them.
  • Cherie’s tips for eliminating the overwhelm, confusion, and intimidation of starting your points travel journey.

Featured on the Show:

Click here to download full episode transcript

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Point Me to First Class is the show for professionals and business owners with higher-than-average personal or business expenses, who want to learn to leverage these expenses into credit card points they can spend on travel.

Each week, I share valuable tips, tools, and strategies to help you uplevel your skills earning and redeeming credit card points, so you can expand your travel and expand your experiences.

Start having first-class travel experiences without the first-class price tag.

Points earning strategies

Points redeeming


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