Points Earning Strategies, Points Redeeming, Travel Tips

November 27, 2023

Rewards Travel Planning with Dr. Amita Kumar

Episode Description

When it comes to travel, some of us love the planning phase, while others would prefer to have someone else handle all the planning, allowing them to simply turn up and enjoy their trip. Whichever category you fall into, today’s episode is for you.

Today, I’m joined by another physician-entrepreneur who is taking her travel experiences to the next level by leveraging her business expenses: Dr. Amita Kumar. Dr. Kumar is a primary care physician in San Antonio, Texas. Recently, she decided to take a sabbatical from her clinical practice and since one of her passions is traveling with her family, she has found a more economical way to do so by utilizing credit card points.

Amita now helps other families schedule and plan their own travel itineraries, as well as coaching on time management and generally getting things done. She is discussing her love of planning, the kind of planning drama that comes up for her clients, and she’s sharing how she helps people overcome their planning blocks so they can start making the most of the points they earn and the time they spend traveling.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode

  • How early exposure to the world of credit card points has changed the way Amita and her family travel.
  • Why, for some of us, the travel experience starts before we even step on the airplane.
  • What Amita’s travel bucket list currently looks like and how she decides what she wants to experience.
  • The difficulties Amita sees her clients having with travel planning, and how she helps them overcome these challenges.
  • Why making the most of your vacation doesn’t have to mean packing every minute of your days with activities.
  • How we see people experiencing more stress than necessary around their travel planning.
  • Some practical tips for Type-A travelers who want to experience a little more balance on vacation.

Featured on the Show:

Click here to download full episode transcript

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Point Me to First Class is the show for professionals and business owners with higher-than-average personal or business expenses, who want to learn to leverage these expenses into credit card points they can spend on travel.

Each week, I share valuable tips, tools, and strategies to help you uplevel your skills earning and redeeming credit card points, so you can expand your travel and expand your experiences.

Start having first-class travel experiences without the first-class price tag.

Points earning strategies

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